PDM leaders have strongly condemned the incidents at National Assembly (NA) and Balochistan Assembly (BA) saying the impacts of abusing in NA have reached BA as well and these incidents will be remembered as black day.
PDM leader Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haidri said the incident occurred in BA a day before will be remembered as black day in the history. Opposition leader was not allowed to deliver speech. Government did not allow Shahbaz Sharif to deliver full budget speech. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said we strongly denounce BA incident. We have only one demand Pakistan should be run as per law and constitution. PTI government has lost its confidence among the people. Opposition protest in NA was of very low intensity. There are parliamentary traditions. Voicing protest during budget speech is not any new thing. Opposition parities always stage protest during budget session. We always talk of unity in the country. What has happened with opposition leader in NA has never happened ever before.