Years after the Indian Air Force botched attempt to launch an attack on the territory inside Pakistan on February 26, 2019 that left behind the wreckage of two Indian Air Force aircraft, the humiliation at the hands of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) still haunts the IAF, exposing Prime Minister Modi’s Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) hysteria driven war mongering policies before the world.
The airstrike inside Pakistan following a false flag operation at Pulwama on February 14, 2019, was responded with surprising retaliation by Pakistan Air Force bringing down two IAF aircraft, establishing the military and technological superiority of the Pakistan Air Force and shattered to pieces the myth of Indian military might. On 14 February 2019, a young Kashmiri boy, resenting Indian oppression of the Kashmiri people, drove a vehicle packed with explosives into a convoy of 78 buses carrying Indian paramilitary police in Pulwama, killing 40 CRPF personnel.
Moments after the attack the Indian media and Modi’s government immediately blamed Pakistan before even the start of any investigation and created media hype. According to defense analysts, India staged Pulwama incident by callously killing its own soldiers which was fanned by media hype. The Indian Air Force launched an aerial strike near ‘Balakot’ on Feb 26, 2019, claiming to target a religious seminary that New-Delhi described as a “militant camp”. They also claimed killing more than 300 terrorists but without sharing any shred of evidence to corroborate the claims. The well-rehearsed operation involving 20 Mirage 2,000 aircraft carrying spice 2000 and Crystal Maze missiles had the support of Air Borne Early Warning systems. They failed to deliver their payload on the target despite practising on the simulator and pre-fed coordinates on the bombs.
Pulwama attack was completely orchestrated, the defense analysts said, questioning that contrary to the usual practice why there were no road inspecting parties to look for buried IEDs/ suspicious movement along the highway the convoy used. “Why didn’t the authorities understand that a large convoy (78 buses) would be a tempting target? CRPF had asked the home ministry to allow it to fly the soldiers to Srinagar but why the request was inexplicably declined,” said the analyst.
They further posed the question as to how it was possible that the Indian home ministry took this decision (declining airlifting soldiers) on its own without referring it to PM Office. On other hand, PM Modi wanted to achieve electoral gains which were then scheduled for April/ May 2019 as was evident from his Pakistan bashing fiery speeches during the election campaign.